
How to Upload Your Theme to Subdomaini

How to Set up upwardly a Subdomain on Your WordPress Website

Subdomains are a groovy way to separate websites — dividing them clearly and allocating them to specific target audiences for better and unique experiences. Detect what they are, why you should use them, and how to install a subdomain on WordPress.

In that location are many unlike purposes for different websites — some deal with commerce, others with information, and others take to practise with marketing. What many people may non know is a unmarried website can exist additionally divided into smaller websites, for different purposes.

You may want to create a staging website to test new updates, plugins, and themes; or, you may want to create a split up website to deal with due east-commerce; or perchance you only desire to create a articulate separation between your mobile website and your desktop version, or possibly even a location-specific separation. To practise this — to split up your website into smaller websites — you lot tin apply subdomains.

A subdomain is an extension to your principal domain name. Information technology lets y'all create a dissever "function" of your main domain — for example,, and act as a separate website.

In this postal service, we'll explain why you may need a subdomain to your WordPress site, and show y'all, step-by-step, how to use cPanel to set up a subdomain and install WordPress.

Tabular array of Contents

When Should Y'all Use a Subdomain on WordPress?

Subdomains are split up websites, and so you should use a subdomain when yous want to offering an experience that'due south entirely different from your main domain.

Allow's look at a few examples of how we use subdomains hither at Elementor to illustrate this. Our main site – – is targeted towards regular Elementor users or people who are interested in learning about Elementor, its features, and widgets. And so, we have several subdomains that offering different experiences. Hither are a few examples:

  • – this is the business relationship dashboard for Elementor customers. It's where you can manage your license, subscription, websites, etc.
  •– this subdomain is 100% focused on developers who want to piece of work with Elementor'south code. It'south not really relevant for regular Elementor users, which is why it makes sense to exist on its own subdomain.
  • – this is for people who want to piece of work at Elementor. Again, it's not really relevant for people who desire to use Elementor on their own sites, which is why it gets its own subdomain.

Another examples of when to employ a subdomain could be:

  • e-commerce store blog – if your primary site is an due east-commerce shop, yous could create a subdomain to house your store'due south blog equally that'south a singled-out experience from shopping for your products.
  • Regional sites – if you accept a multilingual site or otherwise localize your sites for different regions, yous can apply subdomains to segregate each region's site. For example, you could have (Germany), (French republic), etc.
  • Separate product lines – if you accept completely dissimilar product lines, information technology can make sense to carve up them into subdomains. For instance, Disney has,, etc.
  • Staging sites – y'all can create a WordPress staging site on a subdomain like
  • Landing pages – if yous desire to create a landing folio that'southward separate from your master site, yous could place information technology on a subdomain.

Subdomains vs Subfolders

Another common mode to separate parts of your site is to use a subfolder, which comes subsequently your primary domain name instead of earlier:

  • Subdomain:
  • Subfolder:

For blogs, you'll encounter some sites employ the subdomain approach and others apply the subfolder approach.

In general, y'all should apply the subfolder approach if your weblog is closely tied to your main domain name and the subdomain approach if your blog is separate from your master domain (e.g. the e-commerce store example from to a higher place).

Here at Elementor, we essentially use both approaches. Our main weblog is at log (subfolder) simply and so we also have a separate programmer-focused blog using both a subdomain and subfolder at log.

How To Install WordPress on a Subdomain

1. Create a Subdomain

Before you lot tin install WordPress on a subdomain, you first need to create the actual subdomain via your hosting dashboard.

To practise this in cPanel, wait for the Subdomains tool in the Domains section:

On the next screen, enter your desired subdomain in the Subdomain box and besides select the parent domain via the Domain driblet-downwards. At that place's no demand to add together a dot after the subdomain – just enter the text you want to apply.

For example, to create, you would configure information technology like so:

2. Install WordPress To That Subdomain

Once you've created your subdomain, yous can use your host'southward WordPress auto-installer to install WordPress on that subdomain.

When you install WordPress, you'll exist able to select your subdomain just similar you tin can whatever other domain:

From there, everything behaves exactly as if you were installing WordPress on your parent domain.

Exercise Subdomains Bear upon SEO?

Some other important consideration for using subdomains is search engine optimization (SEO). Because a subdomain is technically a "separate" site, some users worry that search engines won't pass the main domain name'southward authority to the subdomain.

For example, if you lot have and, some people worry that the blog won't do good from the main domain proper name'due south authorisation.

Co-ordinate to Google's John Mueller, Google can figure things out itself and there's no inherent SEO benefit to either subdomains or subfolders. If y'all become back fifty-fifty further to Matt Cutts in 2012, he likewise said the same matter.

Some SEO experts still contend confronting this and worry that a subdomain won't inherit the full authority from its parent domain, which could negatively affect the rankings of content on the subdomain. Again, Google says that this isn't an consequence, only some people still prefer using subfolders for this reason.

Withal, 1 important SEO consideration for using subdomains is that you'll need to add each subdomain to Google Search Panel and each subdomain volition have its own reports. Depending on how you're using your subdomains, you might view this as either a positive or a negative.

Additionally, John Mueller says that using subdomains tin can make it slightly harder for Google to figure out how to crawl your site. However, this isn't usually a problem after the first week or so – it only takes Google a few days to brand the connectedness.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Subdomain?

To finish things off, allow'southward become over some of the pros and cons of using a subdomain.


  • Separate experiences – subdomains brand it easier to create completely different experiences for your users.
  • Improved experiences – tying with the example above, creating separate experiences lets y'all optimize each experience for the user, instead of trying to fit everything into the same basic site blueprint.
  • Easier management – if you have drastically dissimilar content, information technology might simplify your administrative processes to have each site be a split up WordPress install on a subdomain.
  • Separate hosting – if you desire, y'all can utilise completely split hosting services for each subdomain, which might be useful in some situations.


  • Added complexity – each subdomain is a dissever site, which adds complexity to your setup. For example, yous might need to manage two split WordPress installs instead of one unified install. Similarly, you'll demand to verify both domains in Google Search Console.
  • SEO considerations – while Google says you tin apply either subdomains or subfolders, some SEO experts all the same recommend trying to use subfolders whenever possible.

Using Lots of Subdomains? Endeavor WordPress Multisite

If you want to create tens or hundreds of WordPress installs on subdomains, you might be amend off creating a WordPress multisite network instead of creating split WordPress installs on each subdomain. For example, let'due south say y'all run a local business with 10 different locations and yous want each location to have its own subdomain.

Instead of creating ten separate WordPress installs, you could use one WordPress multisite install and create a network site on each subdomain.

To learn more, check out our guide to WordPress multisite.

Use Subdomains the Right Style and Reap Their Benefits

WordPress subdomains can be a useful tool if you want to create divide experiences for your visitors or otherwise create clearly separate parts of your site.

To install WordPress on a subdomain, you lot'll start need to add together your subdomain via your hosting dashboard. Then, you can utilise your host'south auto-installer tool to install WordPress to that subdomain to launch your site.

Or, if you want to utilise a lot of dissimilar subdomains, you can consider setting upwardly your own WordPress multisite network.

Practice y'all still accept any questions virtually working with WordPress subdomains? Ask united states in the comments!

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Sergei Davidov

Sergei Davidov is a content creator at Elementor. His favorite topics are gadgets, advances in science, new apps and software solutions. He enjoys spicy food, reading books and listening to elevator music.


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